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General terms and conditions

The website is operated by the

Bioranch GmbH

Harkampsheide 19

48291 Telgte Germany

Telephone: 0049 (0) 2504 70 99 250

eMail: • Internet:

Legal Information Register Court: Amtsgericht Münster HRB 13969

VAT number: DE 227061811

Tax no.: 346 5870 4167

Managing Director: Andre Schäfer

§ 1 Scope

These GTC apply to all our offers, deliveries and services to our private customers (consumers). Other general terms and conditions and purchasing conditions of our customers shall not apply and shall not be accepted, even if we do not expressly object to them. There are no oral agreements.

§ 2 Formation of the contract

The presentation of the products in our online store are only non-binding requests for

Submission of bids. Only then do you submit a binding offer for the services previously

shopping cart when you click on the button on the order confirmation page.

Click on “Order”. We will inform you about the receipt of your order with a

Acknowledgement of receipt. This confirmation of receipt does not yet constitute acceptance of your offer, but is only intended to inform you that we have received your order. The purchase contract is only concluded by sending an order confirmation or sending the item you ordered. Before you submit your order in our online store, you will be shown all the details of your order and the data you entered in a final step. Provided that during your test you

If you find any input errors, you can correct them in this order step. The data of the

Order are stored by us and sent to the customer after completion of the order with the confirmation of receipt by e-mail. Our customers can also view the data of orders already placed at any time after logging into our store in their user account. Contracts concluded with us for the supply of goods do not have (minimum) terms and therefore do not require termination. The essential characteristics of the goods offered by us and the period of validity of any limited offers, please refer to the individual description of goods. The prices valid at the time of the

Order. You can find out the period of validity of our limited offers in each case where they appear in the

Store are displayed. Despite careful stockpiling, it can happen that a

Promotional item is sold out faster than expected. Therefore, we do not give any delivery guarantee. The following applies: Only while stocks last. Our prices are gross prices. We deliver within Germany free of shipping costs via UPS including the sales tax applicable on the day of shipment (currently 16%). For delivery to EU member states, we charge a flat shipping fee of 10 €. Invoices are issued to the customer preferably by e-mail. The invoice shall be made available to the Customer in a printable form and shall be sent to the Customer by mail upon request.

§ 3 Cancellation policy for consumers Right of cancellation:

You have the right to cancel this contract within 30 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is 30 days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, have taken possession of the last goods. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must send us (Bioranch GmbH Harkampsheide 19 48291 Telgte)

by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail) about your decision to revoke this contract.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of revocation:

If you revoke this contract, we shall reimburse you all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the most favorable standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your revocation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. We may refuse to refund you until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier. You must return or hand over the goods to us immediately and in any case no later than within fourteen days from the day on which you notify us of the revocation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send the

Goods before the expiry of the period of fourteen days send. You bear the costs for the

Return of goods. You only have to pay for any loss of value of the goods if this loss of value is due to the handling of the goods which is not necessary for the inspection of the condition, properties and functioning of the goods. Only unused Equigetic Pads in original condition can be returned.

§ 4 Shipment and packaging of the goods

The shipment is made by UPS.

The packaging of the goods is always based on production and transport aspects, whereby environmental and labor law aspects must also be taken into account.

§ 5 Delivery periods, delay and dissolution of the contract

The delivery time may be extended in the event of all hindrances for which we are not responsible and which were not foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, such as force majeure, natural disasters and strikes, insofar as these hindrances demonstrably have a significant influence on the intended delivery. The customer will be informed immediately about the beginning and end of such obstacles and he has the right to demand a statement from Bioranch whether we withdraw from the contract or provide the service within a reasonable period of time. If, after the conclusion of the contract, facts become known concerning the lack of creditworthiness of the Purchaser or if the Purchaser violates its

duties of care with regard to the goods delivered under reservation of title, then

Bioranch reserves the right to withdraw from the contract. In the event of the unavailability of the services provided by the

Bioranch is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case Bioranch is obligated to inform the customer immediately about the unavailability of the service and to refund already rendered consideration. If the customer does not accept the delivered goods, Bioranch has the right to withdraw from the contract or to claim damages after the fruitless expiration of a grace period of two weeks. As a rule, the goods we offer are in stock and therefore immediately available. You can basically see whether an item is available or not on every product detail page. However, if an item you ordered is not available, we reserve the right to cancel that item and refund any consideration you may have paid. We shall not be liable in any case for deliveries delayed or not made (impossibility) due to the fault of our suppliers. However, we undertake to assign any claims for compensation against the supplier to the customer. Since the workload can fluctuate, it is unfortunately not possible to always maintain the same delivery times. For this reason, the following always applies for the

Order delivery time agreed in writing. Verbal agreements are not binding. In case of delivery dates fixed in writing, the ordered goods will be handed over by us to the parcel service provider in due time. If it happens that the latter does not meet its standard delivery time or any other circumstances caused by the parcel service provider that delay the delivery, we can not be held responsible for the failure to meet the delivery date.

§ 6 Prices, payment and delivery

The prices quoted by Bioranch are final prices incl. the legally applicable VAT.

(currently 16 %). In addition, there are costs with regard to packaging, freight and other shipping costs. Agreements such as the granting of rebates and discounts must be made explicitly. Deferment agreements require a written agreement. Offsetting against our claims is only permissible with undisputed or legally established counterclaims. For orders paid in advance, the goods will be shipped only upon receipt of the full invoice amount. If items cannot be delivered, the purchase price of these undeliverable items will be refunded. All payments are used to settle the oldest debt items due and interest accrued thereon. If an invoice is not paid by the due date, all subsequent invoices will become due immediately. We reserve the right to carry out a credit check via Schufa, Creditreform or another credit agency. In the event of non-compliance with the terms of payment or in the event of circumstances of which we become aware after conclusion of the contract and which call into question the creditworthiness of the customer (e.g. an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings against the customer’s assets, the initiation of out-of-court debt settlement proceedings, a suspension of payments or other circumstances which substantially reduce the customer’s creditworthiness) and which jeopardize our claim to counter-performance, we shall be entitled to declare all claims due with immediate effect and to perform outstanding deliveries and services only against advance payment or the provision of security. We are entitled to assign to third parties the claims to which we are entitled from the business relationship with our customers, insofar as the assignment of a claim is not excluded by law. Fees may apply for transfers from abroad. These fees shall be borne by the customer and may have to be charged by us if our bank charges us fees.

Payment with PayPal Plus

As part of the PayPal Plus payment service, we offer various payment methods as PayPal Services. You will be redirected to the website of the online provider PayPal.

There you can specify your payment details, confirm the use of your data by PayPal and the payment instruction to PayPal.

If you have chosen the payment method PayPal, you must be registered there to be able to pay the invoice amount or you must first register and legitimize yourself with your access data. The payment transaction is carried out automatically by PayPal immediately after confirmation of the payment instruction. For further information please contact the

Order process. If you have chosen the credit card payment method, you do not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount. The payment transaction will be carried out by your credit card company upon PayPal’s request immediately after the goods have been shipped, after you have been legitimized as a legitimate cardholder, and your card will be charged. You will receive further instructions during the ordering process.

If you have chosen the direct debit payment method, you do not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount. With confirmation of the payment instruction you give PayPal a direct debit mandate. You will be informed by PayPal about the date of the account debit (so-called prenotification). By submitting the direct debit mandate, PayPal requests its bank to initiate the payment transaction immediately after the goods have been shipped. The payment transaction will be executed and your account will be debited. You will receive further instructions during the ordering process.

If you have chosen the payment method invoice, you do not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount. After successful address and

credit assessment and submission of the order, we assign our claim to PayPal. In this case, you can only pay to PayPal with debt-discharging effect. For payment processing via PayPal – in addition to our GTC – the GTC and privacy policy of PayPal apply. Further information and the complete terms and conditions of PayPal for purchase on account can be found here:

§ 7 Retention of title

Bioranch retains ownership of the delivered goods until full payment of the purchase price. In the case of goods which the customer purchases within the scope of his commercial activity, we shall retain title to the delivered goods until all claims arising from the business relationship have been settled, in particular until the balance of the account has been settled. The customer is entitled to resell the goods subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business, provided that he is not in default. The customer assigns the claims resulting from the resale to Bioranch. If the customer pays by check, it will only be accepted on account of performance and the reservation of title will not expire until we have received a final credit note. The customer shall bear all costs of payment by check. We are not obliged to present checks in due time.

§ 8 Warranty and liability

All goods from our store are subject to statutory warranty rights. If the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights, are infringed by the execution of the order of the customer, the customer shall be solely liable. In such a case the customer has to indemnify Bioranch from all claims of third parties. Bioranch is entitled at any time to demand from the customer proof of the right to use third party name rights and copyrights. Bioranch is not liable for damages caused by slight negligence.

. Claims for material defects or defects of title do not exist in the event of improper handling and use. Material contractual obligations are those whose fulfillment characterizes the contract and on which the customer may rely.

The right to compensation is limited to intent or gross negligence. Deviating applies to traders: Obvious defects (of the goods themselves, from transport damage or similar) are to be reported to us immediately, hidden defects immediately after becoming known. Size designations and color designations are not subject to standardization. This applies to all our information (Internet, catalogs, advertisements, etc.) and labels on the textiles. No conclusions can be drawn about dimensions and certain color ideas. Thus, size markings and color designations do not provide any reason for complaint.

§ 9 Exclusion of assignment

The assignment of claims and receivables to which the customer is entitled from the business relationship with Bioranch is excluded.

§ 10 Jurisdiction

German law applies. If the customer is a merchant or has his residence or place of business outside of Germany, the exclusive place of jurisdiction is agreed to be the domicile of Bioranch.

§ 11 Text and image rights

All text and image rights are owned by Bioranch or its partners. Use without express consent is not permitted.

§ 12 Use

This website uses a web analysis tool with which interactions of randomly selected individual visitors with the website are recorded anonymously .This creates a log of, for example, mouse movements and clicks with the target,

To show possibilities for improvement of the respective website. In addition, information on the operating system, browser, incoming and outgoing references (links), geographical origin, as well as resolution and type of device are evaluated for statistical purposes. This information is not personal and will not be shared with third parties. You can prevent this data processing by deactivating the use of cookies in the settings of your web browser and deleting cookies that are already active. You can find out more about data processing by clicking here.

§ 13 Severability clause

Should any provision of the GTC be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The contracting parties undertake to replace an invalid provision of the GTC by such a provision which, in terms of its meaning and purpose, is as close as possible to the invalid provision in a legally valid provision. This also applies to any regulatory gaps that may exist.

Notice for online dispute resolution:

The EU Commission will make available an Internet platform for the extrajudicial online settlement of disputes (“ODR platform”) in online contracts. The OS – Platform can be reached under the following link: http: // Unsere Emailadresse lautet:

Note according to § 36 para. 1 No. 1 VSBG

As a matter of principle, we are not willing and obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

General Terms and Conditions of Bioranch

(Private customer GTC Bioranch GmbH) Status: 10.2020