Saddle girth material and shape – What fits which horse?

First things first: look at your horse and not the latest trend! To choose the material I can give you some useful tips.

Fur girths for horses sensitive to skin

For horses sensitive to skin in the girth position, often including gray horses and foxes, coat girths are recommended. There are also special creams, similar to those used by cyclists, to protect the sensitive skin folds on the inside of the elbow. We have specially developed the equigetic pad with fur for these horses. But more about that later.

Saddle girths for large-framed or narrow horses

Large-framed horses are often grateful for moon girths and wide girths, which distribute pressure better. Narrow horses, those with a high blood content, are often more sensitive and more comfortable with narrow girths. Here always applies – trial and error and the exception proves the rule.

Tip: Try out saddle girths

Now, if you have been given a girth to try out at the equestrian store and are not sure, you can put a towel between the hide and the girth for riding to ensure a later return or exchange. You are also welcome to test the equigetic Pad and the equigetic Jump -Springgurt for up to 10 days.

If you have a horse that needs special shoulder freedom or often has tension in the shoulder area, an anatomically shaped girth is a good choice.

Saddle girths for horses with stomach problems

For horses with stomach problems, it has been proven that often less is more. Narrower and straight cut belts are usually the better choice here. Even the good old corded harness is comfortable for such horses. It distributes the pressure without having more contact surface than, for example, a moon belt. However, please make sure the cord strap is of good quality – often the cheap synthetic straps cut in uncomfortably.

Indications of a horse with stomach problems are usually a painful and pressure-sensitive lateral girth position and a negative reaction when grooming around the belly.

Short Belts, Long Belts & Leather Belts

Neoprene short or long belts are a pleasant alternative. Some even have a soft memory feature that feels softer than traditional neoprene and is also said to provide better pressure distribution. Cleaning is uncomplicated, but regular inspection of the material is important here.

The leather girth is certainly the most durable saddle girth and will accompany you for many years with good care. Small tip – when buying, make sure that the leather smells good. You can literally smell poor quality in this case. Also, the leather should be supple and not have grooves when bending.

Girth strips on the saddle girth

With the dressage short girth, they should be softly underlaid to avoid uncomfortable pinching of fur and skin. With elastic girths please always choose both sides of the girth with elastic and girth evenly! On both sides! Thus, the belt and saddle remain where they should be and also the distribution of the belt pressure is even! Your horse will thank you!

In the next blog we will deal with the equigetic system in detail – if you have any questions or suggestions we are looking forward to your message.

Stay healthy and with the horses – Tina Schäfer

Which girth for which horse?

Nowadays, one is quickly overwhelmed with the range of different saddle girths.

Leather girths, saddle girths with lambskin, neoprene, cord girth? Narrow, anatomical, straight or wide bearing surface? Narrow, anatomical, straight or wide support surface?lateral elastic – yes or no? And if so, one or two? Do you still see through?

The right girth for your horse

To be honest, I’m very grateful that these many options exist. It’s just a matter of finding the right girth for your horse. However, we are not talking about the appropriate belt length, which is quickly found.

The feel-good belt must be found. The one with which your horse breathes relaxed under the saddle, the shoulder can move freely and also the saddle finds suitable support.

Develop a feeling for horses

I grew up in a training farm for sport horses. There were horses of all ages and stages of training. “The Gymnasium for Show Jumpers” as my mother likes to call it. Since my father learned together with Herbert Rehbein and at that time the training path of a dressage horse takes longer than that of a jumper, he made a virtue out of necessity and concentrated on the jumpers, since money was tight and there was a young family to support.

The dressage work and training and the incredible feeling for horses made the work with the horses so special.

The right girth is determined by the occasion

At that time, a saddle girth was often made of leather or cotton. These are the same harnesses that are still used today and with which Ingrid Klimke still rides every day in dressage and also in her work at home.

For jumping and also in eventing, Ingrid then uses different cleated or jumping harnesses. So it is important not only to find the feel-good girth, but also always the girth appropriate to the sporting task. To protect not only his horse, but also himself.

Self-protection while riding?

I’ve been paying close attention to this since I once rode a horse with a wide-loop cleated girth. The horse got caught in the girth with the horseshoe while bending the front legs and we landed upside down in the sand.

The shock was great and has taught me to pay meticulous attention in all future to the correct cleated girth and the appropriate buckling, as well as to the horse’s jumping manner. So the movement of the horse also always plays an important role! Even in dressage there are horses that are very sensitive to girths that interfere with the elbow.

Summary: What should I look for in a girth?

  • Which harness material is best for me/my horse?
  • What fit should the belt have?
  • What do I want to ride with my horse: Distance, dressage, jumping, …?
  • What anatomical or health points are important for my horse?
  • What is my horse’s movement pattern?

In the next blog I would like to explain different girths and their functions.

Do you have questions about girths in general or specifically about the equigetic Jump or equigetic Pad? Then they write more gladly about the contact.

Until then stay healthy and with the horses

Tina Schäfer