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Harness compulsory for horses

Girth compulsion is the term used to describe a defensive reaction on the part of the horse that becomes apparent when the girth is fastened or, in bad cases, as soon as the girth is approached. To prevent this, attention should be paid to the fine signs of the horse. Under no circumstances should defensive reactions by horses be dismissed as dramatic behavior.

Causes of girth constraint in horses

The main cause for the development of girth tightness is tension in the horse’s sternum. The application of a harness puts pressure on the tense sternum, whereupon the horse feels pain and stress. From now on, the horse automatically associates these bad experiences with the harness and the putting on of the harness. So at some point it refuses to be strapped at all.

Therefore, already when saddling, pay attention to the fine signs of the horse to determine if it is satisfied or if something is wrong. Because most of the time, the horse’s reactions are much lighter and less aggressive in the beginning. However, if these signals are ignored, the horse will also react more violently in the future.

Another reason besides the incorrect use of the girth could be internal discomfort of the horse. If it has stomach or intestinal problems and the belt presses on it, this automatically leads to a defensive reaction. Likewise, blockages or painful tensions may be present. So, harness constraint in horses arises from either external or internal factors.

Muskuläre Verbindung des Sternum

How can I tell if my horse has girth constraints?

Depending on how strong the harness constraint is in the horse, it may show different reactions. If it is only mild symptomatology, you may notice faster breathing or a tense face on the horse. Raised nostrils or flattened ears indicate discontent. If the horse bangs its head or turns it backwards towards the saddle while being girthed, this should be addressed. Stronger reactions such as snapping or clear threats through the head or hind legs are a clear sign that something is wrong. In extreme cases of girth constraint, the horse may also drop.

Even when riding, the horse’s behavior can send clear signals that indicate girth constraint. Slow gaits and hesitant movements suggest pain. If the girth pressure is more pronounced, the horse may buck or rise uncontrollably to remove the uncomfortable pressure. Also, “holding your breath” while riding can indicate too much pressure from the girth and tension.

How does the equigetic pad help with girth constraints?

The equigetic pad was developed to prevent the pressure on the sternum that occurs in horses during riding. It can be attached to the saddle girth and has the effect of distributing the pressure evenly over the muscles thanks to extra soft padding made of neoprene or fur. The channel on the inside of the equigetic pad provides reduced pressure on the sternum. Already during the first application you will notice that your horse breathes much more relaxed and becomes looser.

Of course, in case of internal complaints such as ulcers or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, veterinary treatment should be sought first. After this is completed and your horse is pain-free, you can use the equigetic pad to train with your horse in a pleasant and relaxed way. With a little patience and calmness, you will soon get your horse used to the harness and as a team you can enjoy riding again.

equigetic Pad

Equigetic Pad - Order now

Order the equigetic pad now to make riding your horse as comfortable as possible. The equigetic pad is available in different sizes and designs. If you have any questions about the product, please feel free to contact us at any time. Shipping within Germany is free of shipping costs.

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